Understanding Looker APIs
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are like digital bridges that connect different software applications, enabling them to communicate and exchange data efficiently. Looker’s API unlocks nearly everything Looker can do via a user-friendly REST API using JSON. You can run queries, manage users, schedule reports, and build custom tools—all through code. Empowering developers with options, the API supports both direct HTTPS requests and seamless integration through language-specific SDKs. Looker’s API Explorer is an extension that helps you to start exploring Looker’s API. You can access it directly from the Applications menu if you have the extension installed or install it from the Marketplace. The public version is available on the Looker Developer Portal.
In this section, we will work with Looker’s API Explorer. The API Explorer lets you explore the Looker SDK as well. A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a toolbox...