Hardware and software requirements
As always, we are going to start with a list of required hardware and software components for the project.
Except for the Raspberry Pi Zero, you will need some additional components for each of the sections in this chapter.
For the LED controller section, you will need a simple LED and a 330-Ohm resistor.
To control a DC motor, you will need a L293D motor driver IC and, of course, a motor to control. For this purpose, I used a simple 5V DC motor.
For the lamp controller section, the most important component will be the PowerSwitch Tail Kit. This component allows your Pi to control electrical appliances such as lamps, heaters, and other appliances that use mains electricity to function.
Finally, you will need the usual breadboard and jumper wires.
This is the list of components that you will need for this whole chapter, not including the Raspberry Pi Zero:
- LED (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9590)
- 330-Ohm resistor (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11507)
- L293D...