Saving and retrieving data
First, let's look at what the Redis client has to offer us. Add the following lines to index.js
client.set('hello', 'Hello World!'); client.get('hello', (err, reply) => { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } console.log(`Retrieved: ${reply}`); });
In this example, we will set the value "Hello world!" in Redis with the key hello
. In the get
command, we specify the key we wish to use to retrieve a value.
The Node Redis client is entirely asynchronous. This means that you have to supply a callback function with each command if you wish to process data.
A common mistake is to use the Node Redis client in a synchronous way. Here's an example:
let val = client.get('hello'); console.log('val:', val);
This, perhaps confusingly, results in:
val: false
This is because the get
function will have returned the Boolean false
before the request to the Redis server has been made.
Run the correct code and you should see the successful retrieval of the Hello world...