Creating enemy wandering behavior
Previously, we set the default behavior for enemies as a patrolling movement between two points. While this worked well as a test bed for our hearing and seeing components, and would be appropriate for a stealth-oriented game, we are going to ramp up the challenge and action of this game's experience by replacing this behavior with random wandering. This will make avoiding enemies significantly harder, encouraging more direct confrontations. To do this, we are going to return to the EnemyBehavior Behavior Tree. Open EnemyBehavior from the Enemy folder in the Content Browser.
Identifying a wander point with a custom task
Once you've opened EnemyBehavior, click on the Blackboard tab. We need to create a key that will store the location of the next destination that the enemy should wander to. Unlike the PatrolPoint key, our destination won't be represented by an in-game actor, but rather by vector coordinates. Create a new key in the Blackboard panel now, and...