Hardware components – sensors and development boards
In this chapter, we are going to explore how to sync cloud variables across multiple Arduino IoT Cloud things. So, here we will use the same thing, including a development board and sensors, that was used in Chapter 4. For this chapter’s demonstration, we are going to use Arduino MKR Wi-Fi 1010 along with two 5 mm LEDs, a red one and a green one. The complete project is summarized in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 – Project architecture
As shown in Figure 7.1, we use one WeMos D1 mini development board, which is based on ESP8266, and the whole project is demonstrated in Chapter 4. The purpose of using different types of boards in this chapter is to demonstrate how easy it is to sync the cloud variables across different types of development boards. In the next section, we will talk in detail about project architecture.