Schematics is dependent on all of the libraries you can possibly use with NgRx; it's therefore a good idea to start out by installing these libraries before we do anything else. Just type the following:
npm install @ngrx/effects --save
npm install @ngrx/entity --save
npm install @ngrx/store --save
npm install @ngrx/store-devtools
Schematics itself is a library that Angular-CLI uses to generate different constructs needed for Angular development, such as components services, filters, and much more. @ngrx/schematics provides blueprints to schematics so you can get help generating constructs that you need when working with NgRx, in other words it makes development a lot faster. You can get help with generating the following things:
- Actions
- Container
- Effect
- Entity
- Feature
- Reducer
- Store