Displaying route information in Karaf
Apache Camel provides mechanisms to gather information surrounding the routes deployed inside a Camel Context. The route-info
command has been provided to display route properties, statistics, and definitions to Karaf's console.
Getting ready
Follow the instructions in the Listing Camel Contexts in Karaf recipe's Getting ready section for this recipe.
How to do itβ¦
Use the following camel:route-info routeId
command to display information on a Camel route to Karaf's console; similar to the camel:context-info
command, this command may generate a lot of output:
karaf@root()> camel:route-info CamelRoute-timerToLog Camel Route CamelRoute-timerToLog Camel Context: CamelCommandContext Properties id = CamelRoute-timerToLog parent = 20443040 Statistics Inflight Exchanges: 0 Exchanges Total: 44 Exchanges Completed: 44 Exchanges Failed: 0 Min Processing Time: 0 ms Max Processing Time: 2 ms Mean Processing Time: 0 ms Total Processing...