Securing your folders
Now that you can create new users, new user groups, and can add new users into groups, it's time to use these. We will now see how we can apply permissions on your folders or spaces and secure them.
How to do it...
1. Let's create a new folder to learn how to secure your folders. Go to the InfoAxon folder we created earlier, and create a new space named Chapter 3.
2. Click on the View Details icon of Chapter 3.
3. In the details interface, click on the Manage Space Users link.
4. Manage Space Users screen comes up. You will use this interface to manage the users and groups that have permissions in this space.
5. At this point of time, the list of users is blank. By default, Alfresco only inherits permissions from the parent space.
6. Inheriting Permission means just duplicating whatever permission settings are there in the parent folder. This is just like inheritance works in typical Object-Oriented designs. You can, however, stop inheriting permissions by de-selecting the...