Introducing QuickSight editions and user authorization options
In this section, we will discuss the QuickSight editions and authorization options. These are choices we will need to make first when creating a QuickSight account.
QuickSight editions
Amazon QuickSight is offered in two editions:
- Standard edition: The QuickSight Standard version contains the basic QuickSight functionality. The concepts of an author and a reader user role don't apply in the Standard edition. For every registered user, bundled SPICE capacity is included, and additional SPICE capacity can be purchased.
- Enterprise edition: The Enterprise edition offers the full functionality of Amazon QuickSight. The concept of a reader user is only applicable in the Enterprise edition of QuickSight. Every author user is bundled with SPICE storage. For reader users, Amazon QuickSight has pay-per-session pricing capped to a maximum price point per month. ML Insights, forecasting, and embedded dashboards...