After the successful conference at Amsterdam, Vuejs recently conducted the first ever VueConf.US in New Orleans on March 26th-28th 2018. The conference congregated hundreds of Vuejs developers from around the world and the VueJS Core team and featured workshops and talks from members of the Vuejs community and Vue experts. It also witnessed new releases and project processes.
The conference commenced with an inaugural keynote by Evan You, the creator of Vue. He talked about the growth of Vue since 2016, also highlighting new developments coming soon. In his keynote, You said that “Vue will be moving to a standardized release cycle with new minor releases every three months and a minimum six-month notice prior to major releases.” They will also be shifting from a single release channel to four separated release channels.
The VueConf.US conference covered 4 major workshops by Vuejs experts.
In the first workshop, Evan You talked about building simple versions of libraries for features such as routing, state management, form validation and i18n using basic Vue features.
Chris Fritz, conducted a second workshop on the basics of building world-class Vue applications. Topics included configuring Webpack for single-file components, setting up the most advanced workflows currently possible, and more.
Sarah Drasner organized a workshop on animation in Vue to creating complex effects in performant and visually stunning patterns. Rachel Nabors, presented a talk, "Vue In Motion", on implementing animations and transitions in Vue.
In the fourth workshop, Blake Newman presented his views on Vuex, a state management pattern.
The VueConf.US conference also featured multiple presentations by key Vue experts.
Daniel Rosenwasser, Program Manager on TypeScript at Microsoft, presented his views on making TypeScript and Vue seamless to make sure that JavaScript users of all communities can use Typescript.
In another interesting presentation, Jen Looper talked about creating an Engaging Native Mobile App with Vue and NativeScript all the while retaining shared code between the Vue created website and mobile app.
Edd Yerburgh, Vue core team member and author of "vue-test-utils", spoke about testing Vue applications. He presented an adapted the testing pyramid for the front end, consisting of end-to-end tests, snapshot tests, and unit tests.
In a talk, “Vue & SSR: The best practices”, Sebastien Chopin talks about common problems with server-side rendering and how to deal with them. He also shows Nuxt.js as a possible solution to most of these problems.
Community support was the highlight of the VueConf.US conference with a large number of talks mentioning the importance of Vue community support. The attendees were extremely positive about the conference and stated how comfortable and welcoming the community was. Each attendee shared a similar level of excitement about the platform and its possibilities and was excited about meeting the wide variety of developers and to know their experiences.
All talks were recorded and will be posted soon on VueMastery.
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