In this article by Sohail Salehi, the author of the book Angular 2 Services, you can ask the two fundamental questions, when a new development tool is announced or launched are: how different is the new tool from other competitor tools and how enhanced it is when compared to its own the previous versions? If we are going to invest our time in learning a new framework, common sense says we need to make sure we get a good return on our investment. There are so many good articles out there about cons and pros of each framework. To me, choosing Angular 2 boils down to three aspects:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
With that question in mind, Angular 2 chose a different approach. It solves the performance challenges faced by mobile devices first. In other words, if your Angular 2 application is fast enough on mobile environments, then it is lightning fast inside the “ever green” browsers.
So that is what we are going to do in this article. First we are going to learn about Angular 2 and the main problem it is going to solve. Then we talk a little bit about the JavaScript history and the differences between Angular 2 and AngularJS 1. Introducing “The Sherlock Project” is next and finally we install the tools and libraries we need to implement this project.
The previous JS frameworks we've used already have a fluid and easy workflow towards building web applications rapidly. But as developers what we are struggling with is the technical debt.
In simple words, we could quickly build a web application with an impressive UI. But as the product kept growing and the change requests started kicking in, we had to deal with all maintenance nightmares which forces a long list of maintenance tasks and heavy costs to the businesses. Basically the framework that used to be an amazing asset, turned into a hairy liability (or technical debt if you like).
One of the major "revamps" in Angular 2 is the removal of a lot of modules resulting in a lighter and faster core. For example, if you are coming from an Angular 1.x background and don't see $scope or $log in the new version, don't panic, they are still available to you via other means, But there is no need to add overhead to the loading time if we are not going to use all modules. So taking the modules out of the core results in a better performance.
So to answer the question, one of the main issues Angular 2 addresses is the performance issues. This is done through a lot of structural changes.
We don't have backward compatibility. If you have some Angular projects implemented with the previous version (v1.x), depending on the complexity of the project, I wouldn't recommend migrating to the new version. Most likely, you will end up hammering a lot of changes into your migrated Angular 2 project and at the end you will realize it was more cost effective if you would just create a new project based on Angular 2 from scratch.
Please keep in mind, the previous versions of AngularJS and Angular 2 share just a name, but they have huge differences in their nature and that is the price we pay for a better performance.
You might wondering if you need to know AngularJS 1.x before diving into Angular 2. Absolutely not. To be more specific, it might be even better if you didn't have any experience using Angular at all. This is because your mind wouldn't be preoccupied with obsolete rules and syntaxes. For example, we will see a lot of annotations in Angular 2 which might make you feel uncomfortable if you come from a Angular 1 background. Also, there are different types of dependency injections and child injectors which are totally new concepts that have been introduced in Angular 2. Moreover there are new features for templating and data-binding which help to improve loading time by asynchronous processing.
The current edition of ECMAScript (ES5) is the one which is widely accepted among all well known browsers. You can think of it as the traditional JavaScript. Whatever code is written in ES5 can be executed directly in the browsers.
The problem is most of modern JavaScript frameworks contain features which require more than the traditional JavaScript capabilities. That is why ES6 was introduced. With this edition – and any future ECMAScript editions – we will be able to empower JavaScript with the features we need.
Now, the challenge is running the new code in the current browsers. Most browsers, nowadays recognize standard JavaScript codes only. So we need a mediator to transform ES6 to ES5. That mediator is called a transpiler and the technical term for transformations is transpiling. There are many good transpilers out there and you are free to choose whatever you feel comfortable with.
Apart from TypeScript, you might want to consider Babel (babeljs.io) as your main transpiler.
Google originally planned to use AtScript to implement Angular 2, but later they joined forces with Microsoft and introduced TypeScript as the official transpiler for Angular 2.
The following figure summarizes the relationship between various editions of ECMAScript, AtScript and TypeScript.
For more details about JavaScript, ECMAScript and how they evolved during the past decade visit the following link:
It is important to get the foundation right before installing anything else. Depending on your operating system, install Node.js and its package manager- npm. . You can find a detailed installation manual on Node.js official website.
Make sure both Node.js and npm are installed globally (they are accessible system wide) and have the right permissions.
At the time of writing npm comes with Node.js out of the box. But in case their policy changes in the future, you can always download the npm and follow the installation process from the following link.
The next stop would be the IDE. Feel free to choose anything that you are comfortable with. Even a simple text editor will do. I am going to use WebStorm because of its embedded TypeScript syntax support and Angular 2 features which speeds up development process. Moreover it is light weight enough to handle the project we are about to develop. You can download it from here:
We are going to use simple objects and arrays as a place holder for the data. But at some stage we will need to persist the data in our application. That means we need a database.
We will use the Google's Firebase Realtime database for our needs. It is fast, it doesn't need to download or setup anything locally and more over it responds instantly to your requests and aligns perfectly with Angular's two-way data-binding.
For now just leave the database as it is. You don't need to create any connections or database objects.
The final requirement to get started would be an Angular 2 seed project to shape the initial structure of our project. If you look at the public source code repositories you can find several versions of these seeds. But I prefer the official one for two reasons:
Speaking about packages, you might be wondering what happened to the other JavaScript packages we needed for this application. We didn't install anything else other than Node and NPM. The next section will answer this question.
Assuming you have installed WebStorm, fire the IDE and and checkout a new project from a git repository.
Now set the repository URL to: https://github.com/angular/angular2-seed.git and save the project in a folder called “the sherlock project” as shown in the figure below:
Hit the Clone button and open the project in WebStorm. Next, click on the package.json file and observe the dependencies. As you see, this is a very lean seed with minimal configurations. It contains the Angular 2 plus required modules to get the project up and running.
The first thing we need to do is install all required dependencies defined inside the package.json file. Right click on the file and select the “run npm install” option.
Installing the packages for the first time will take a while. In the mean time, explore the devDependencies section of package.json in the editor. As you see, we have all the required bells and whistles to run the project including TypeScript, web server and so on to start the development:
"devDependencies": {
"@types/core-js": "^0.9.32",
"@types/node": "^6.0.38",
"angular2-template-loader": "^0.4.0",
"awesome-typescript-loader": "^1.1.1",
"css-loader": "^0.23.1",
"raw-loader": "^0.5.1",
"to-string-loader": "^1.1.4",
"typescript": "^2.0.2",
"webpack": "^1.12.9",
"webpack-dev-server": "^1.14.0",
"webpack-merge": "^0.8.4"
We also have some nifty scripts defined inside package.json that automate useful processes. For example, to start a webserver and see the seed in action we can simply execute following command in a terminal:
$ npm run server
or we can right click on package.json file and select “Show npm Scripts”. This will open another side tab in WebStorm and shows all available scripts inside the current file.
Basically all npm related commands (which you can run from command-line) are located inside the package.json file under the scripts key. That means if you have a special need, you can create your own script and add it there. You can also modify the current ones.
Double click on start script and it will run the web server and loads the seed application on port 3000. That means if you visit http://localhost:3000 you will see the seed application in your browser:
If you are wondering where the port number comes from, look into package.json file and examine the server key under the scripts section:
"server": "webpack-dev-server --inline --colors --progress --display-error-details --display-cached --port 3000 --content-base src",
There is one more thing before we move on to the next topic. If you open any .ts file, WebStorm will ask you if you want it to transpile the code to JavaScript. If you say No once and it will never show up again.
We don't need WebStorm to transpile for us because the start script is already contains a transpiler which takes care of all transformations for us.
Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a couple of colleagues of mine which worth sharing here in this article. One of them is an avid front-end developer and the other is a seasoned back-end developer. You guessed what I'm going to talk about: The debate between back-end/front-end developers and who is the better half. We have seen these kind of debates between back-end and front-end people in development communities long enough.
But the interesting thing which – in my opinion – will show up more often in the next few months (years) is a fading border between the ends (front-end/back-end).
It feels like the reason that some traditional front-end developers are holding up their guard against new changes in Angular 2, is not just because the syntax has changed thus causing a steep learning curve, but mostly because they now have to deal with concepts which have existed natively in back-end development for many years. Hence, the reason that back-end developers are becoming more open to the changes introduced in Angular 2 is mostly because these changes seem natural to them.
Annotations or child dependency injections for example is not a big deal to back-enders, as much as it bothers the front-enders. I won't be surprised to see a noticeable shift in both camps in the years to come. Probably we will see more back-enders who are willing to use Angular as a good candidate for some – if not all – of their back-end projects and probably we will see more front-enders taking Object-Oriented concepts and best practices more seriously. Given that JavaScript was originally a functional scripting language they probably will try to catch-up with the other camp as fast as they can.
There is no comparison here and I am not saying which camp has advantage over the other one. My point is, before modern front-end frameworks, JavaScript was open to be used in a quick and dirty inline scripts to solve problems quickly.
While this is a very convenient approach it causes serious problems when you want to scale a web application. Imagine the time and effort you might have to make finding all of those dependent codes and re-factor them to reflect the required changes.
When it comes to scalability, we need a full separation between layers and that requires developers to move away from traditional JavaScript and embrace more OOP best practices in their day to day development tasks.
That what has been practiced in all modern front-end frameworks and Angular 2 takes it to the next level by completely restructuring the model-view-* concept and opening doors to the future features which eventually will be native part of any web browser.
During the course of this journey we are going to dive into all new Angular 2 concepts by implementing a semi-AI project called: “The Sherlock Project”.
This project will basically be about collecting facts, evaluating and ranking them, and making a decision about how truthful they are.
To achieve this goal, we will implement a couple of services and inject them to the project, wherever they are needed. We will discuss one aspect of the project and will focus on one related service. At the end, all services will come together to act as one big project.
This article covered a brief introduction to Angular 2. We saw where Angular2 comes from, what problems is it going to solve and how we can benefit from it.
We talked about the project that we will be creating with Angular 2. We also saw whic other tools are needed for our project and how to install and configure them. Finally, we cloned an Angular 2 seed project, installed all its dependencies and started a web server to examine the application output in a browser
Further resources on this subject: