As algorithms are increasingly used to make decisions of social consequence, the social values encoded in these decision-making procedures are the subject of increasing study, with fairness being a chief concern. The Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT) scheduled on Feb 23 and 24 this year in New York is an annual conference dedicated to bringing theory and practice of fair and interpretable Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, NLP, Computer Vision, Recommender systems, and other technical disciplines. This year's program includes 17 peer-reviewed papers and 6 tutorials from leading experts in the field. The conference will have three sessions. Session 4 of the two-day conference on Saturday, February 24, is in the field of fair classification. In this article, we give our readers a peek into the four papers that have been selected for presentation in Session 4.
You can also check out Session 1, Session 2, and Session 3 summaries in case you’ve missed them.
This paper provides a simple approach to the Fairness-aware problem which involves suitably thresholding class-probability estimates. It has been awarded Best paper in Technical contribution category.
The authors have studied the inherent tradeoffs in learning classifiers with a fairness constraint in the form of two questions:
The authors showed that for cost-sensitive approximate fairness measures, the optimal classifier is an instance-dependent thresholding of the class probability function. They have quantified the degradation in performance by a measure of alignment of the target and sensitive variable. This analysis is then used to derive a simple plugin approach for the fairness problem.
For Fairness-aware learning, the authors have designed an algorithm targeting a particular measure of fairness.
The ability to theoretically compute the tradeoffs between fairness and utility is perhaps the most interesting aspect of their technical results.
They have stressed that the tradeoff is intrinsic to the underlying data. That is, any fairness or unfairness, is a property of the data, not of any particular technique.
They have theoretically computed what price one has to pay (in utility) in order to achieve a desired degree of fairness: in other words, they have computed the cost of fairness.
This paper considers how to use a sensitive attribute such as gender or race to maximize fairness and accuracy, assuming that it is legal and ethical. Simple linear classifiers may use the raw data, upweight/oversample data from minority groups, or employ advanced approaches to fitting linear classifiers that aim to be accurate and fair. However, an inherent tradeoff between accuracy on one group and accuracy on another still prevails. This paper defines and explores decoupled classification systems, in which a separate classifier is trained on each group. The authors present experiments on 47 datasets. The experiments are “semi-synthetic” in the sense that the first binary feature was used as a substitute sensitive feature. The authors found that on many data sets the decoupling algorithm improves performance while less often decreasing performance.
The work is based on the use of predictive analytics in the area of child welfare. It won the best paper award in the Technical and Interdisciplinary Contribution. The authors have worked on developing, validating, fairness auditing, and deploying a risk prediction model in Allegheny County, PA, USA.
The goal in Allegheny County is to improve both the accuracy and equity of screening decisions by taking a Fairness-aware approach to incorporating prediction models into the decision-making pipeline.
Plenty of moral and political philosophers have expended significant efforts in formalizing and defending the central concepts of discrimination, egalitarianism, and justice. Thus it is unsurprising to know that the attempts to formalize ‘fairness’ in machine learning contain echoes of these old philosophical debates. This paper draws on existing work in moral and political philosophy in order to elucidate emerging debates about fair machine learning. It answers the following questions:
We hope you like the coverage of Session 4. Don’t miss our coverage on Session 5 on Fat recommenders and more.