An Oracle JET Hybrid mobile application can be packaged with the help of Grunt build release commands, as described in the following steps:
Note: Further details regarding code sign per platform are available at: Android: https:// cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/android/tools. html.iOS:https:// cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/ios/tools.Html.
grunt build:release --platform={ios|android}
grunt serve:release --platform=ios|android [--web=true
--livereloadPort=live-reload-port-number -
Publishing an Oracle JET hybrid mobile application is as per the platform-specific guidelines. Each platform has defined certain standards and procedures to distribute an app on the respective platforms.
The steps involved in publishing iOS applications include:
Alternatively, we can also distribute the app outside the store. The iOS distribution process is represented in the following diagram:
Please note that the process for distributing applications on iOS presented in the preceding diagram is the latest, as of writing this chapter. It may be altered by the iOS team at a later point. The preceding said process is up-to-date, as of writing this chapter.
Note: For the latest iOS app distribution procedure, please refer to the official iOS documentation at: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/ Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html
There are multiple approaches to publish our application on Android platforms. The following are the steps involved in publishing the app on Android:
2. Releasing the app to the market through Google Play. We need to perform the following activities to prepare an app for release through Google Play:
3. Alternately, we can publish the application through email, or through our own website, for users to download and install.
The steps involved in publishing Android applications are advised in the following diagram:
Please note that the process for distributing applications on Android presented in the preceding diagram is the latest, as of writing this chapter. It may be altered by the Android team at a later point.
Note: For the latest Android app distribution procedure, please refer to the official Android documentation at http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/publishing_overview. html#publishing-release.
You enjoyed an excerpt from Oracle JET for Developers written by Raja Malleswara Rao Pattamsetti. With this book, you will learn to leverage Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) to develop efficient client-side applications.
Creating and configuring a basic mobile application