In the last chapter, we kept up-to-date with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), the original problem that gave birth to SOA, and the benefits of SOA. Additionally, we learned how to build our SOA infrastructure using WSO2 products, and, more concretely, using WSO2 EI 6.0.0.
In this chapter, we will introduce WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Tooling. This is an Eclipse-based IDE and we will use it to develop our services, as well as to build the deployable artifacts. The topics we will cover are as follows:
- Installing and running WSO2EI Tooling
- Creating carbon projects
- Debugging applications
- Data mappings
WSO2EI Tooling is a single tool used to develop our entire application, including artifacts from any of the components that comprise WSO2EI.
WSO2EI Tooling is based on Eclipse IDE for Java developers, also called Mars 2.
We can...