WordPress Mobile Pack
By James Pearce
Why it's awesome: Works great, even on non-smart phones
Why it was picked: Skins both the blog and the administration, browser support

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpressmobile-pack/
Automatic Install search term: WordPress Mobile Pack
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Appearance | Mobile Theme, Mobile Widgets, Mobile Switcher
Used in: Everything!
There are 6.5 billion people on Earth; 1.5 billion of them have cell phones. More and more of those 1.5 billion cell phones are browsing the web. Some of them are smart phones with awesome browsers, but the majority of them use the older and far less sexy WAP (wireless access protocol) versions of websites. Designing a blog to work on the iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Palm's WebOS, and every other cell phone variation would be insanely time consuming, unless you use WordPress Mobile Pack.

Not only does WordPress Mobile Pack...