Team Cooperation
When developing the solution in a team environment, team cooperation is an essential requirement. This is where, although it can be changed later, a cooperation model must be chosen.
If you remember from Chapter 1, there are two main approaches in SCM when it comes to cooperation models:
Check out-Modify-Check in
Visual SourceSafe is built around the Check out-Modify-Check in model. This model has two sub-models of operation:
Exclusive Check-Out Model
Multiple Check-Out Model
Choosing a Check-Out Model
The Exclusive Check-Out Model uses a pessimistic concurrency scheme characterized by a Lock-Modify-Unlock mode of operation because it allows only one user at a time to modify a resource.
The Multiple Check-Out Model uses an optimistic concurrency scheme characterized by a Copy-Modify-Merge mode of operation because it allows multiple users at a time to modify a resource, after which a merge operation is performed. During the merge operation conflicts may appear...