Awesome! We are done with the BossMode
project! We won't be adding an end game state or restart functionality to this project as we have already covered those in previous chapters. What we have achieved, however, is a boss character that is controlled by AI that we created ourselves and rendered with our own materials. Over this chapter you learnt how to make enumerations
in C++ that can be used for behavior tree logics via blackboard. You created your own BT Task in C++, as well modified our AI Controller to arm the boss with a salvo of missiles. We expanded our AI tree to incorporate two new AI states with their own associated behavior. We peaked into the vast depth that is the Unreal rendering system and created our own materials. It is now time to finally utilize all of the skills we have learnt in the book thus far and take it to the next level. In the next chapter we will be creating our own networked first-person shooter! See you there!