Establishing a project structure for Snowpark
To assist with the development of Snowpark in Python and to make it easy to create a Snowpark project, Snowflake has released Snowpark project templates for Python. These contain everything you’ll need for developing, testing, and deploying with Snowpark – they provide all the boilerplate required to develop UDFs and stored procedures, along with unit tests and even GitHub Actions workflow files for CI/CD.
The project template has been released as open source on GitHub, making it easy for developers to clone and use the project. To clone the project, follow these steps:
- Download the files or clone the repository from A new GitHub repository can be created from the template by using the GitHub CLI, like so:
gh repo create <new-repo-name> --template="Snowflake-Labs/snowpark-python-template"
The new repository’s name needs to be specified...