Most important Sass features for Bootstrap developers
Here’s a quick overview of what Sass features you will use the most when customizing Bootstrap.
Variables for customization
The ability to use variables with Sass is the most important feature to understand when customizing Bootstrap. Most changes that you would want to make require you to overwrite a variable already used by Bootstrap.
Maps for the utility API
The special map value that comes with Sass is used together with the utility API to generate various utility classes. This can be used to modify or remove existing utilities or add your own. We will learn all about how to use the utility API in the next chapter.
The utility API
The utility API is a built-in tool of Bootstrap 5 that is used to generate the different utility classes. Sass maps are used to provide settings and options for the utility API.
Mixins and extend for semantic code
Bootstrap has a lot of mixins used by different Bootstrap...