Results section
When a new Query section is added to the document, Interactive Reporting automatically creates a Results section to accompany the query. When a Query section is processed, the data result produced by the query is stored and presented in the Results section. The data from each Request line item in the query produces a column of data in the Results section.
The Results section looks like a spreadsheet where the data returned by the query is displayed in a 'row by-column' format as shown in the following screenshot:
The Results section is the main source of data for any section used to analyze and present data from the accompanying query. Results sections provide the ability to modify, filter, sort, and analyze data returned from the Query section. Any changes to the data contained in the Results section will impact the data displayed in all of the sections using the Results section as a source, including Tables, Pivots, Charts, Dashboards, Reports, and Queries with local results...