Chapter 13. SSL and Security
Previous chapters of this book have presented how to write networked applications in Tcl. However, they did not cover any of the security aspects in detail. While security on its own is a subject large enough for a separate book, we will focus only on some aspects of it.
Security is a very important aspect of any application, especially if it communicates over a network. When communication is made, we need to be sure that we know who the other peer is; this is called authentication. This can be achieved using usernames and passwords, authenticating using public / private key based encryption, and many other aspects. We also need to check that a specified user can perform specific actions. For example, only the administrator can maintain a system. This is called authorization.
The terms authentication and authorization are often confused, as from a user perspective, these usually mean the same. When checking our e-mail, providing a valid username and password causes...