Before we can connect to a MySQL server, we must have access to a MySQL server.
The first recipe in this chapter will show you how to install the free MySQL Server Community Edition.
After successfully connecting to a running instance of our MySQL server, we will design and create a database that will accept a book title, which could be our own journal or a quote we found somewhere on the Internet. We will require a page number for the book, which could be blank, and then, we will insert
the quote we like from a book, journal, website, or a friend into our MySQL database using our GUI, built using Python 3.6 and above.
We will insert, modify, delete, and display our favorite quotes using our Python GUI to issue these SQL commands and to display the data.
CRUD is a database term you might come across, which abbreviates the four basic SQL commands and stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete.
Here is the overview of Python modules for this chapter: