Understanding PechaKucha
This task describes what PechaKucha is and where it comes from. It's important to know and understand this to use PechaKucha to it's full potential.
Engage thrusters
PechaKucha is a new form of presenting—showing 20 images that each remain on screen for 20 seconds as shown in the next illustration. The transition of the images is done automatically, and therefore a PechaKucha presentation lasts exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham invented the concept in 2003. They share a bureau for design and architecture in Tokyo, Klein Dytham architecture (KDa). They organized the first PechaKucha Night to provide young designers with an opportunity to meet, to network and see each other's work. Because of the limited time, the participants are forced to present in a short and simple way and this provides a chance for more people to present themselves. As an audience, it is easier to stay focused, because the presenters do not get the time to elaborate...