Building the basics
Before we can start creating our animations, we have to build the basics first. The basics are all the illustrations we need for our prezi and the animations. We are not building one big illustration-animation file and putting that in Prezi. All the parts will be separate to make the prezi most flexible.
The following are the most important parts for our prezi:
A happy girl
A machine
A machine with gauges
Small parts such as clouds, hearts, and a bird with letter
Prepare for lift off
We'll be using the Adobe Illustrator for this task. Open the downloaded .eps
file in the Adobe Illustrator, as shown in the following screenshot:

Engage thrusters
The happy girl asks an important question, so we'll start with her.
The happy girl
The happy girl is in the .eps
file on a separate layer, let's first select and separate her. We will create the happy girl by performing the following steps:
Open the Layers panel by navigating to Window | Layers.
Layer 1
to find the...