File structure of a theme
In accordance to the global standards, we need to follow certain standards or conventions in our theme development so that our work can be used by others equally well.
Your theme files should be structured the way the default PrestaShop theme does.
Your new theme directory should include the following files and folders. When you copy the default theme directory and rename it to a new name, the name of your theme will be displayed on the back office Appearance tab once you have it uploaded or installed on the server.
The following folders should be present:
/themes/[name of the theme]/CSS/
(files in this folder areglobal.css
, andscene.css
)./themes/[name of the theme]/img/
(this folder consists of theicon
folder, and a set of images used on the PrestaShop pages). Thisimg
directory within the theme directory provides a home for the images that are linked to theglobal.css
file./themes/[name of the theme]/js/
(the files in this folder...