Passing parameters to forms and actions: Context
Internally, every method in Odoo has access to a dictionary called context that is propagated from every action to the methods involved in delivering that action. The UI also has access to it and can be modified in various ways by setting values in the context. In this recipe, we'll explore some of the applications of this mechanism by toying with the language, default values, and implicit filters.
Getting ready
While not strictly necessary, this recipe will be more fun if you install the French language, in case you didn't start out with this language in the first place. Consult Chapter 11, Internationalization, for how to do this. If you have a French database, change fr_FR to some other language; en_US will do for English. Also, click the button Not archived on one of your customers in order to archive it and verify that this partner doesn't show up any more in the list.
How to do it...
Create a new action, very similar to the one from the...