Time for action – smoothing stock prices with the Blackman window
Let's smooth the close prices from the small AAPL stock prices data file. Perform the following steps to do so:
Load the data into a NumPy array. Call the NumPy
function to form a window and then use this window to smooth the price signal.closes=np.loadtxt('AAPL.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), converters={1:datestr2num}, unpack=True) N = int(sys.argv[1]) window = np.blackman(N) smoothed = np.convolve(window/window.sum(), closes, mode='same')
Plot the smoothed prices with Matplotlib. We will omit the first five and the last five data points in this example. The reason for this is that there is a strong boundary effect.
plot(smoothed[N:-N], lw=2, label="smoothed") plot(closes[N:-N], label="closes") legend(loc='best') show()
The closing prices of AAPL smoothed with the Blackman window should appear, as follows:
What just happened?
We plotted the closing price of AAPL from our sample data file that was smoothed using...