- Adaptee / Adapter
- Adapter pattern
- about / Adapter
- LevelUP, using through filesystem API / Using LevelUP through the filesystem API
- examples / In the wild
- add() function
- about / Synchronous continuation-passing style
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
- about / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- URL / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- advised method / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- aggressive caching pattern / Asynchronous request caching
- about / Introducing AMQP
- queue / Introducing AMQP
- exchange / Introducing AMQP
- binding / Introducing AMQP
- using / Durable subscribers with AMQP and RabbitMQ
- real-time chat application, integrating / Integrating the chat application with AMQP
- amqplib package
- URL / Designing a history service for the chat application
- AngularJS
- URL / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- Apache ab
- URL / Building a simple HTTP server
- API orchestration
- about / API orchestration
- data aggregation / API orchestration
- API Orchestrator / API orchestration
- API proxy / The API proxy
- APIs, ES6 promises
- constructor / Promises/A+ implementations
- static methods, of Promise object / Promises/A+ implementations
- methods, of Promise instance / Promises/A+ implementations
- Application-controlled extension
- versus Plugin-controlled / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- app module
- about / The app module
- args-list module
- URL / Refactoring the authentication server to use a DI container
- arguments, constructor
- resolve(obj) / Promises/A+ implementations
- reject(err) / Promises/A+ implementations
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- async.queue() function
- about / Limited parallel execution
- asynchronous batching
- about / Asynchronous batching and caching
- asynchronous caching
- about / Asynchronous batching and caching
- asynchronous callback pattern
- about / Synchronous or asynchronous?
- unpredictable function / An unpredictable function
- Zalgo, unleashing / Unleashing Zalgo
- unpredictable function, using / Unleashing Zalgo
- synchronous APIs, using / Using synchronous APIs
- execution, deferring / Deferred execution
- asynchronous control flow, streams
- about / Asynchronous control flow with streams
- sequential execution / Sequential execution
- unordered parallel execution / Unordered parallel execution
- unordered limited parallel execution / Unordered limited parallel execution
- asynchronous control flow, with generators
- about / Asynchronous control flow with generators
- generator-based control flow, using co / Generator-based control flow using co
- asynchronous function
- about / Asynchronous continuation-passing style
- asynchronously initialized modules
- requiring / Requiring asynchronously initialized modules
- canonical solutions / Canonical solutions
- preinitialization queues / Preinitialization queues
- implementing / Implementing a module that initializes asynchronously
- asynchronous messaging
- about / Asynchronous messaging and queues
- Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) / Universal Module Definition
- asynchronous programming
- challenges / The difficulties of asynchronous programming
- asynchronous request batching
- about / Asynchronous request batching
- batching requests, in total sales web server / Batching requests in the total sales web server
- asynchronous request caching
- about / Asynchronous request caching
- caching requests, in total sales web server / Caching requests in the total sales web server
- async library
- about / The async library
- reference link / The async library
- sequential execution / Sequential execution
- parallel execution / Parallel execution
- limited parallel execution / Limited parallel execution
- pros / Comparison
- cons / Comparison
- authController module
- about / The authController module, Refactoring the authentication server to use dependency injection
- authentication server
- building, hardcoded dependencies used / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- about / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- running / Running the authentication server
- refactoring, for dependency injection usage / Refactoring the authentication server to use dependency injection
- refactoring, for service locator usage / Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator
- refactoring, for DI container usage / Refactoring the authentication server to use a DI container
- authService module
- about / The authService module, Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator
- availability, cluster module / Resiliency and availability with the cluster module
- back-pressure
- about / Back-pressure
- back-pressure, writable streams / Back-pressure
- Backbone Models
- used, for sharing business logic / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- used, for sharing data validation / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- shared models, implementing / Implementing the shared models
- platform-specific code, implementing / Implementing the platform-specific code
- isomorphic models, using / Using the isomorphic models
- application, running / Running the application
- Backbone Views
- URL / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- basic concepts, generators
- about / The basics
- simple example / A simple example
- generators, as iterators / Generators as iterators
- values, returning to generator / Passing values back to a generator
- batching
- about / Asynchronous request batching
- batching, with Promises / Batching and caching with Promises
- batch operations
- URL / Implementing a LevelUP plugin
- binding, AMQP
- about / Introducing AMQP
- Bluebird
- URL / Promises/A+ implementations
- Bower
- URL / The advantages of using Browserify
- brew
- URL / Load balancing with Nginx
- browser
- code, sharing with / Sharing code with the browser
- Browserify
- about / Considerations on the UMD pattern, Introducing Browserify
- URL / Introducing Browserify, The advantages of using Browserify
- demonstrating / Exploring the magic of Browserify
- advantages / The advantages of using Browserify
- Browserify, invoking from Grunt
- URL / The advantages of using Browserify
- Browserify, invoking from Gulp
- URL / The advantages of using Browserify
- buffering
- versus streaming / Buffering vs Streaming
- bundle
- about / Introducing Browserify
- bunyan
- URL / In the wild
- business logic
- sharing, Backbone Models used / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- busy-waiting
- about / Non-blocking I/O
- caching
- about / Asynchronous batching and caching
- caching, with Promises / Batching and caching with Promises
- caching mechanisms
- implementing / Notes about implementing caching mechanisms
- callback function
- about / The reactor pattern
- callback hell
- about / The callback hell
- callback pattern
- about / The callback pattern
- continuation-passing style / The continuation-passing style
- asynchronous / Synchronous or asynchronous?
- synchronous / Synchronous or asynchronous?
- Node.js callback conventions / Node.js callback conventions
- canonical solutions
- about / Canonical solutions
- central registry
- about / Service locator
- Chain of Responsibility pattern / Middleware as a pattern
- challenges, asynchronous programming
- simple web spider, creating / Creating a simple web spider
- callback hell / The callback hell
- chance module
- URL / Implementing Readable streams
- channels
- about / Multiplexing and demultiplexing, Using Redis as a message broker, Introducing AMQP
- Checkout service / Integration with a message broker
- child process
- URL / Communicating with a child process
- child processes
- about / Using multiple processes
- child_process.fork()
- URL / Running the mux/demux application
- child_process API
- URL / Communicating with the parent process
- cloning / Cloning and load balancing
- closures
- about / The callback pattern
- reference link / The callback pattern
- Cloud-based proxies / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- cluster module
- about / The cluster module
- behavior / Notes on the behavior of the cluster module
- URL / Notes on the behavior of the cluster module
- simple HTTP server, building / Building a simple HTTP server
- simple HTTP server, profiling / Building a simple HTTP server
- scaling / Scaling with the cluster module
- resiliency / Resiliency and availability with the cluster module
- availability / Resiliency and availability with the cluster module
- zero-downtime restart / Zero-downtime restart
- co
- reference link / Generator-based control flow using co
- about / Generator-based control flow using co
- yieldables / Generator-based control flow using co
- co-limiter
- reference link / Limited parallel execution
- code
- sharing, with browser / Sharing code with the browser
- code profiler, Factory pattern
- about / Building a simple code profiler
- cohesion
- about / Cohesion and Coupling
- combine-stream package
- URL / Combining streams
- combined stream
- advantages / Combining streams
- implementing / Implementing a combined stream
- Command-line Interface (CLI) / Gzipping using a buffered API
- Command Message
- about / Message types
- Command pattern
- about / Command
- advantages / Command
- flexible pattern / A flexible pattern
- CommonJS modules
- about / Node.js modules explained
- CommonJS module system
- about / Modules and dependencies
- competing consumers
- about / Point-to-point communications and competing consumers
- competing consumers pattern
- about / Point-to-point communications and competing consumers
- competing consumers pattern
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- competitive race
- about / The pattern
- complex applications
- decomposing / Decomposing complex applications
- monolithic architecture / Monolithic architecture
- microservice architecture / The Microservice architecture
- microservice architecture, integration patterns / Integration patterns in a Microservice architecture
- Component
- URL / The advantages of using Browserify
- composability approach, streams
- about / Gzipping using streams
- configuration manager template / A configuration manager template
- consistentReadSync() function
- about / Using synchronous APIs
- constructor
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- arguments / Promises/A+ implementations
- constructor injection
- about / The different types of dependency injection
- continuation-passing style
- about / The continuation-passing style
- synchronous continuation-passing style / Synchronous continuation-passing style
- asynchronous continuation-passing style / Asynchronous continuation-passing style
- non continuation-passing style callbacks / Non continuation-passing style callbacks
- continuous delivery process / Zero-downtime restart
- correlation identifier
- about / Correlation identifier
- used, for implementing request/reply abstraction / Implementing a request/reply abstraction using correlation identifiers
- CouchDB
- URL / Sharing the state across multiple instances
- CouchUP
- URL / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- coupling
- about / Modules and dependencies, Cohesion and Coupling
- tightly coupled / Cohesion and Coupling
- loosely coupled / Cohesion and Coupling
- CPU-bound
- about / Running CPU-bound tasks
- interleaving pattern, with setImmediate / Interleaving with setImmediate
- multiple processes, using / Using multiple processes
- CPU-bound tasks
- running / Running CPU-bound tasks
- subset sum problem, solving / Solving the subset sum problem
- Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- cross-platform code / Sharing code with the browser
- cross-platform development
- fundamentals / Fundamentals of cross-platform development
- design patterns / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- data ownership / An example of the Microservice architecture
- data validation
- sharing, Backbone Models used / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- db module
- about / The db module, Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator, Canonical solutions
- Decorator pattern
- about / Decorator
- implementing, techniques / Techniques for implementing decorators
- deferreds
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- demultiplexer (demux) / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- demultiplexing
- about / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- server side application, creating / Server side – demultiplexing
- Denial of Service (DoS) / Limited parallel execution
- Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
- about / Delegating the subset sum task to other processes
- dependencies
- about / Modules and dependencies
- dependency
- about / The most common dependency in Node.js
- between modules / The most common dependency in Node.js
- dependency graph
- about / Modules and dependencies
- dependency hell problem / Small modules
- dependency injection (DI)
- about / Dependency injection
- pros / Pros and cons of dependency injection
- cons / Pros and cons of dependency injection
- used, for exposing services / Exposing services using dependency injection
- dependency injection (DI), types
- constructor injection / The different types of dependency injection
- property injection / The different types of dependency injection
- dependency Injection containers
- URL / Pros and cons of a Dependency Injection container
- dependency injection containers
- about / Dependency injection, Pros and cons of dependency injection, Dependency injection container
- pros / Pros and cons of a Dependency Injection container
- cons / Pros and cons of a Dependency Injection container
- used, for exposing services / Exposing services using a dependency injection container
- Derby
- URL / Running the application
- design pattern
- Factory / Factory
- Proxy / Proxy
- Decorator / Decorator
- Adapter / Adapter
- Strategy / Strategy
- State / State
- Template / Template
- Middleware / Middleware
- Command / Command
- design patterns, cross-platform development
- about / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Strategy / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Template / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Adapter / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Proxy / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Observer / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Dependency Injection / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- Service locator / Design patterns for cross-platform development
- DI container
- set of dependencies, declaring to / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- dimensions, scalability
- X Axis / The three dimensions of scalability
- Y Axis / The three dimensions of scalability
- Z Axis / The three dimensions of scalability
- direct style
- about / Synchronous continuation-passing style
- distributed hashsum cracker, with ØMQ
- building / Building a distributed hashsum cracker with ØMQ
- ventilator, implementing / Implementing the ventilator
- worker, implementing / Implementing the worker
- sink, implementing / Implementing the sink
- executing / Running the application
- Dnode
- URL / In the wild
- docpad
- URL / Plugins as packages
- Document Message
- about / Message types
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle
- about / Small modules
- duck typing
- URL / Building a simple code profiler
- duplexer2 module
- URL / Combining streams
- Duplex stream
- about / Duplex streams
- creating / Duplex streams
- durable subscribers
- about / Durable subscribers
- AMQP / Introducing AMQP
- with AMQP / Durable subscribers with AMQP and RabbitMQ
- with RabbitMQ / Durable subscribers with AMQP and RabbitMQ
- real-time chat application / Designing a history service for the chat application
- dynamic load balancer
- implementing, with http-proxy / Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- implementing, with seaport / Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- dynamic scaling / Using a Service Registry
- ecstatic middleware
- URL / Implementing the server side
- about / Implementing the server side
- elasticsearch
- URL / Reusability across platforms and languages
- embarrassingly parallel workload
- about / Building a distributed hashsum cracker with ØMQ
- reference link / Building a distributed hashsum cracker with ØMQ
- encapsulation mechanism / A mechanism to enforce encapsulation
- envelope
- about / Abstracting the request
- ES6
- about / Promises
- ES6 promises
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- APIs / Promises/A+ implementations
- ES6 WeakMaps
- URL / A mechanism to enforce encapsulation
- EventEmitter function
- about / The EventEmitter
- on(event, listener) method / The EventEmitter
- once(event, listener) method / The EventEmitter
- emit(event, [arg1], [ ]) method / The EventEmitter
- removeListener(event, listener) method / The EventEmitter
- using / Create and use an EventEmitter
- creating / Create and use an EventEmitter
- fileread event / Create and use an EventEmitter
- found event / Create and use an EventEmitter
- error event / Create and use an EventEmitter
- EventEmitters
- about / Extension points
- event loop
- about / Event demultiplexing
- Event Message
- about / Message types
- event notification interface
- about / Event demultiplexing
- exchange, AMQP
- about / Introducing AMQP
- direct exchange / Introducing AMQP
- topic exchange / Introducing AMQP
- fanout exchange / Introducing AMQP
- Express
- URL / Middleware in Express
- Middleware / Middleware in Express
- express
- URL / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies, Plugins as packages
- express middleware
- about / Middleware in Express
- tasks / Middleware in Express
- extension points
- about / Extension points
- Ezel
- URL / Running the application
- factory injection / The different types of dependency injection
- Factory pattern
- about / Factory
- generic interface, for creating objects / A generic interface for creating objects
- encapsulation mechanism / A mechanism to enforce encapsulation
- simple code profiler, building / Building a simple code profiler
- Dnode / In the wild
- Restify / In the wild
- fail-safe socket
- implementing / Implementing a basic fail-safe socket
- fair queuing system
- about / PUSH/PULL sockets
- fan-out distribution
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- Fibers
- reference link / Comparison
- flexible pattern
- task pattern / The task pattern
- complex command / A more complex command
- flowing mode, readable streams / The flowing mode
- forever
- URL / Load balancing with Nginx
- forward proxy
- URL / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- framework / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- from2 package
- URL / through and from
- from package / through and from
- URL / through and from
- fs module
- createReadStream() method / Getting started with streams
- createWriteStream() method / Getting started with streams
- fstream package
- URL / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- function hooking / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- fundamentals, cross-platform development
- about / Fundamentals of cross-platform development
- runtime code branching / Runtime code branching
- build-time code branching / Build-time code branching
- gateway
- about / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- generators
- about / Generators
- basics / The basics
- asynchronous control flow, with generators / Asynchronous control flow with generators
- sequential execution / Sequential execution
- parallel execution / Parallel execution
- limited parallel execution / Limited parallel execution
- pros / Comparison
- cons / Comparison
- God Object / Integration with a message broker
- Grunt
- URL / Exposing services using dependency injection
- about / Exposing services using dependency injection
- gulp
- URL / Plugins as packages
- handler
- about / The reactor pattern
- HAProxy
- URL / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- hardcoded dependencies
- used, for building authentication server / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- pros / Pros and cons of hardcoded dependencies
- cons / Pros and cons of hardcoded dependencies
- using / Using hardcoded dependencies
- hardcoded dependency
- about / Hardcoded dependency
- Harmony
- about / Promises
- hashsum cracker, with AMQP
- implementing / Implementing the hashsum cracker using AMQP
- producer, implementing / Implementing the producer
- worker, implementing / Implementing the worker
- result collector, implementing / Implementing the result collector
- executing / Running the application
- Hollywood principle
- about / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- hooks
- URL / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- about / Extension points
- horizontal partitioning / The three dimensions of scalability
- horizontal scaling / Cloning and load balancing
- http-proxy
- URL / In the wild, Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- HTTP server
- building / Building a simple HTTP server
- profiling / Building a simple HTTP server
- I/O Completion Port API (IOCP) / The non-blocking I/O engine of Node.js – libuv
- implementation / Stateful modules
- implementation techniques, Decorator pattern
- composing, using / Composition
- object augmentation / Object augmentation
- LevelUP database, decorating / Decorating a LevelUP database
- implementation techniques, Proxy pattern
- object composition / Object composition
- object augmentation (monkey patching) / Object augmentation
- inconsistentRead() function
- about / Unleashing Zalgo
- IndexedDB / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- information hiding / The most common dependency in Node.js
- injected service locator
- about / Service locator
- integration patterns, microservice architecture
- about / Integration patterns in a Microservice architecture
- API proxy / The API proxy
- API orchestration / API orchestration
- message broker / Integration with a message broker
- Intercepting Filter pattern
- about / Middleware as a pattern
- URL / Middleware as a pattern
- interface / Stateful modules
- interleaving pattern
- considerations / Considerations on the interleaving pattern
- interleaving pattern, with setImmediate
- about / Interleaving with setImmediate
- steps of subset sum algorithm, interleaving / Interleaving the steps of the subset sum algorithm
- Inversion of Control (IoC)
- about / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- URL / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- isomorphic
- about / Using the isomorphic models
- json-over-tcp library
- URL / Implementing a basic fail-safe socket
- JSON messages
- supporting, with middleware / A middleware to support JSON messages
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- about / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- URL / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- jugglingdb
- URL / In the wild
- Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) principle / Simplicity and pragmatism
- kernel panic / Monolithic architecture
- KISS principle / The difficulties of asynchronous programming
- koa
- reference link / Generator-based control flow using co
- Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm / Notes about implementing caching mechanisms
- level-filesystem
- URL / In the wild
- level-inverted-index
- URL / In the wild
- level-plus
- URL / In the wild
- level.js
- URL / Using LevelUP through the filesystem API
- LevelDB
- about / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- levelgraph
- URL / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- level of indirection
- about / Modules and dependencies
- level package
- URL / Implementing a LevelUP plugin
- levelup
- URL / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- LevelUP database
- decorating / Decorating a LevelUP database
- URL / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- about / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- LevelUP ecosystem
- URL / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- LevelUP plugin
- implementing / Implementing a LevelUP plugin
- libuv
- about / The non-blocking I/O engine of Node.js – libuv
- reference link / The non-blocking I/O engine of Node.js – libuv
- limited parallel execution, async library
- about / Limited parallel execution
- limited parallel execution, generators
- about / Limited parallel execution
- options / Limited parallel execution
- producer-consumer pattern / Producer-consumer pattern
- download tasks concurrency, limiting / Limiting the download tasks concurrency
- limited parallel execution, plain JavaScript
- about / Limited parallel execution
- concurrency, limiting / Limiting the concurrency
- concurrency, limiting globally / Globally limiting the concurrency
- queues / Queues to the rescue
- web spider version 4 / Web spider version 4
- limited parallel execution, promise
- about / Limited parallel execution
- load balancer / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- load balancing / Cloning and load balancing, Notes on the behavior of the cluster module
- load distribution / The three dimensions of scalability
- logging Writable stream
- creating / Creating a logging Writable stream
- logout plugin
- implementing / Implementing a logout plugin
- lookup / The three dimensions of scalability
- Main function
- about / Parallel execution
- makeGenerator() function / The basics
- master process / The cluster module
- meld
- URL / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- Memcached
- URL / Notes about implementing caching mechanisms, Sharing the state across multiple instances
- memoization
- about / Caching requests in the total sales web server
- memoizee package
- URL / Caching requests in the total sales web server
- merge-stream module
- URL / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- message broker
- integration / Integration with a message broker
- about / Integration with a message broker
- Message Broker
- about / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- message queue
- about / Asynchronous messaging and queues
- message queue (MQ)
- about / Durable subscribers
- Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
- about / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- URL / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- messages
- about / Message types
- messages, types
- Command Message / Message types
- Event Message / Message types
- Document Message / Message types
- messaging system
- fundamentals / Fundamentals of a messaging system
- one-way pattern / One-way and request/reply patterns
- request/reply pattern / One-way and request/reply patterns
- asynchronous messaging / Asynchronous messaging and queues
- queues / Asynchronous messaging and queues
- peer-to-peer messaging / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- Meteor
- URL / Running the application
- methods, Promise instance
- promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) / Promises/A+ implementations
- promise.catch(onRejected) method / Promises/A+ implementations
- microservice architecture
- about / The Microservice architecture
- loose coupling / The Microservice architecture
- high cohesion / The Microservice architecture
- integration complexity / The Microservice architecture
- example / An example of the Microservice architecture
- data ownership / An example of the Microservice architecture
- integration patterns / Integration patterns in a Microservice architecture
- microservices
- about / The three dimensions of scalability
- pros / Pros and cons of microservices, Reusability across platforms and languages
- cons / Pros and cons of microservices, A way to scale the application
- URL / Pros and cons of microservices
- expendable service / Every service is expendable
- platform reusability / Reusability across platforms and languages
- application, scaling / A way to scale the application
- challenges / The challenges of microservices
- Middleware
- about / Middleware
- in Express / Middleware in Express
- as pattern / Middleware as a pattern
- using, as pattern / Middleware as a pattern
- middleware framework, for ØMQ / Creating a middleware framework for ØMQ
- middleware
- about / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP, Asynchronous messaging and queues
- Middleware, using as pattern
- about / Middleware as a pattern
- steps / Middleware as a pattern
- middleware framework
- creating, for ØMQ / Creating a middleware framework for ØMQ
- Middleware Manager / The Middleware Manager
- middleware framework, creating for ØMQ
- Middleware Manager / The Middleware Manager
- json middleware / A middleware to support JSON messages
- ØMQ middleware framework, using / Using the ØMQ middleware framework
- Middleware Manager
- about / Middleware as a pattern
- minification / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- minificators / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- minimist package
- URL / Using the ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- Mkdirp dependency
- about / Creating a simple web spider
- models
- about / Sharing business logic and data validation using Backbone Models
- module
- about / Small modules
- wrapping, with preinitialization queues / Wrapping the module with preinitialization queues
- module definition patterns
- about / Module definition patterns
- named exports / Named exports
- function, exporting / Exporting a function
- constructor, exporting / Exporting a constructor
- instance, exporting / Exporting an instance
- modules, modifying on global scope / Modifying other modules or the global scope
- module impersonation pattern / Using hardcoded dependencies
- modules
- about / Modules and dependencies
- properties / The most common dependency in Node.js
- sharing / Sharing modules
- module system
- about / The module system and its patterns
- patterns / The module system and its patterns
- revealing module pattern / The revealing module pattern
- module wiring patterns
- about / Patterns for wiring modules
- hardcoded dependency / Hardcoded dependency
- dependency injection (DI) / Dependency injection
- service locator / Service locator
- dependency injection container / Dependency injection container
- MongoDB
- URL / Sharing the state across multiple instances
- Mongoose
- about / In the wild
- URL / In the wild
- references / In the wild
- Monit
- URL / Load balancing with Nginx
- monkey patching
- about / Modifying other modules or the global scope
- monkey patching (Object augmentation) / Object augmentation
- monolithic applications
- about / The three dimensions of scalability
- monolithic architecture
- about / Monolithic architecture
- monolithic kernels / Monolithic architecture
- monotonic timestamp
- using / Implementing a reliable history service using AMQP
- URL / Implementing a reliable history service using AMQP
- multipipe package
- URL / Combining streams
- multiple directories
- tarball, creating from / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- multiplexer (mux) / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- multiplexing
- about / Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- client side application, creating / Client side – Multiplexing
- multiprocess pattern
- considerations / Considerations on the multiprocess pattern
- multistream-merge module
- URL / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- multistream package
- URL / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- Mustache
- URL / Creating an UMD module
- about / Creating an UMD module
- mux/demux application
- running / Running the mux/demux application
- middleware framework, creating for / Creating a middleware framework for ØMQ
- URL / Using the ØMQ middleware framework, Peer-to-peer load balancing, Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging, Introducing ØMQ
- about / Introducing ØMQ
- URL, for installation / Designing a peer-to-peer architecture for the chat server
- ØMQ fan-out/fan-in pattern
- about / The ØMQ fan-out/fan-in pattern
- PUSH/PULL sockets / PUSH/PULL sockets
- distributed hashsum cracker, building / Building a distributed hashsum cracker with ØMQ
- ØMQ middleware framework
- using / Using the ØMQ middleware framework
- server / The server
- client / The client
- ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- using / Using the ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- named exports
- about / Named exports
- name mangling / Declaring a set of dependencies to a DI container
- Nginx
- URL / Scaling with a reverse proxy, Load balancing with Nginx
- installing, URL / Load balancing with Nginx
- load balancing / Load balancing with Nginx
- node-core
- about / The recipe for Node.js
- node-glob module
- reference link / Combine callbacks and EventEmitter
- node-uuid package
- using / Abstracting the request
- URL / Abstracting the request
- Node.js
- URL, for blog / Anatomy of streams
- Node.js-based proxies / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- Node.js applications
- scaling / Scaling Node.js applications
- Node.js callback conventions
- about / Node.js callback conventions
- callbacks, passing as last argument / Callbacks come last
- error, passing as first argument / Error comes first
- error propagation / Propagating errors
- uncaught exceptions / Uncaught exceptions
- Node.js modules
- about / Node.js modules explained
- homemade module loader / A homemade module loader
- defining / Defining a module
- globals, defining / Defining globals
- module.exports, versus exports / module.exports vs exports
- require function / require is synchronous
- resolving algorithm / The resolving algorithm
- module cache / The module cache
- cycles / Cycles
- Node.js philosophy
- about / The Node.js philosophy
- simplicity / Simplicity and pragmatism
- pragmatism / Simplicity and pragmatism
- Node.js style function
- promisifying / Promisifying a Node.js style function
- nodebb
- URL / Plugins as packages
- nodebb-plugin-mentions
- URL / Using hardcoded dependencies
- nodebb-plugin-poll
- URL / Using hardcoded dependencies
- non-flowing mode, readable streams / The non-flowing mode
- normal function
- about / Generators
- npm dependencies
- request / Creating a simple web spider
- Mkdirp / Creating a simple web spider
- nscale
- URL / The challenges of microservices
- Object-Document Mapping (ODM) / In the wild
- object-path library
- URL / Multi-format configuration objects
- Object.defineProperty()
- URL / A comparison of the different techniques
- object streams
- multiplexing / Multiplexing and demultiplexing object streams
- demultiplexing / Multiplexing and demultiplexing object streams
- Observer pattern
- about / Publish/subscribe pattern
- observer pattern
- about / The observer pattern
- EventEmitter / The EventEmitter
- EventEmitter, using / Create and use an EventEmitter
- EventEmitter, creating / Create and use an EventEmitter
- errors, propagating / Propagating errors
- observable object, creating / Make any object observable
- synchronous events / Synchronous and asynchronous events
- asynchronous events / Synchronous and asynchronous events
- EventEmitter, versus callbacks / EventEmitter vs Callbacks
- callbacks, combining with EventEmitter / Combine callbacks and EventEmitter
- one-way pattern
- about / One-way and request/reply patterns
- operating modes, streams
- binary / Anatomy of streams
- object / Anatomy of streams
- Operational Transformation (OT) / Command
- URL / Command
- options, stream.Writable
- highWaterMark / Implementing Writable streams
- decodeStrings / Implementing Writable streams
- ordered parallel execution, streams / Ordered parallel execution
- organization, Command pattern
- Command / Command
- Client / Command
- Invoker / Command
- Target (or Receiver) / Command
- packages
- about / Small modules
- packages, streams
- about / Useful packages for working with streams
- readable-stream / readable-stream
- through / through and from
- from / through and from
- packet switching
- about / Building a remote logger
- parallel execution, async library
- about / Parallel execution
- parallel execution, generators
- about / Parallel execution
- parallel execution, plain JavaScript
- about / Parallel execution
- web spider version 3 / Web spider version 3
- pattern / The pattern
- race conditions, fixing / Fixing race conditions in the presence of concurrent tasks
- parallel execution, promise
- about / Parallel execution
- parallel pipeline
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- ØMQ fan-out/fan-in pattern / The ØMQ fan-out/fan-in pattern
- Passport.js
- URL / In the wild
- peer-to-peer load balancing
- about / Peer-to-peer load balancing
- HTTP client, implementing for multiple server request balancing / Implementing an HTTP client that can balance requests across multiple servers
- peer-to-peer messaging
- about / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- peer-to-peer publish/subscribe pattern
- with ØMQ / Peer-to-peer publish/subscribe with ØMQ
- architecture, designing / Designing a peer-to-peer architecture for the chat server
- ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets, using / Using the ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- pipe() method / Composability
- pipeline / Middleware as a pattern
- pipelines
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- creating / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- competing consumers / Pipelines and competing consumers in AMQP
- point-to-point communications / Point-to-point communications and competing consumers
- pipes
- used, for connecting streams / Connecting streams using pipes
- piping patterns
- about / Piping patterns
- plain JavaScript, using
- about / Using plain JavaScript
- callback discipline / Callback discipline
- callback discipline, applying / Applying the callback discipline
- sequential execution / Sequential execution
- parallel execution / Parallel execution
- limited parallel execution / Limited parallel execution
- pros / Comparison
- cons / Comparison
- Plugin-controlled
- versus Application-controlled extension / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- plugin infrastructure / Plugin-controlled vs Application-controlled extension
- plugins
- about / Wiring plugins
- plugins, as packages
- example / Plugins as packages
- pm2
- URL / Zero-downtime restart, Load balancing with Nginx
- point-to-point communications
- about / Point-to-point communications and competing consumers
- hashsum cracker, implementing / Implementing the hashsum cracker using AMQP
- PostgreSQL
- URL / Sharing the state across multiple instances
- PouchDB
- URL / Introducing LevelUP and LevelDB
- preinitialization queues
- about / Preinitialization queues
- asynchronously initialized modules, implementing / Implementing a module that initializes asynchronously
- module, wrapping with / Wrapping the module with preinitialization queues
- process.nextTick()
- about / Deferred execution
- process.nextTick() function / Considerations on the interleaving pattern
- producer-consumer pattern / Limited parallel execution
- promise
- about / Promises, What is a promise?
- working / What is a promise?
- Promises/A+ implementations / Promises/A+ implementations
- Node.js style function, promisifying / Promisifying a Node.js style function
- sequential execution / Sequential execution
- parallel execution / Parallel execution
- limited parallel execution / Limited parallel execution
- pros / Comparison
- cons / Comparison
- Promise.all(array) method
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- promise.catch(onRejected) method
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- Promise.reject(err) method
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- Promise.resolve(obj) method
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) method
- about / Promises/A+ implementations
- Promises
- dealing, with caching / Batching and caching with Promises
- dealing, with batching / Batching and caching with Promises
- Promises/A+ specification
- URL / Promises, What is a promise?
- implementing / Promises/A+ implementations
- promisification
- about / Promisifying a Node.js style function
- promisified version
- about / Promisifying a Node.js style function
- property injection
- about / The different types of dependency injection
- Proxy pattern
- about / Proxy
- implementing, techniques / Techniques for implementing proxies
- techniques, comparing / A comparison of the different techniques
- logging Writable stream, creating / Creating a logging Writable stream
- function hooking / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) / Proxy in the ecosystem – function hooks and AOP
- pseudo-classical inheritance / Object composition
- publish/subscribe pattern / Integration with a message broker
- about / Publish/subscribe pattern
- real-time chat application, building / Building a minimalist real-time chat application
- Redis, using / Using Redis as a message broker
- peer-to-peer publish/subscribe, with ØMQ / Peer-to-peer publish/subscribe with ØMQ
- durable subscribers / Durable subscribers
- publisher
- about / Publish/subscribe pattern
- Q library
- URL / Promises/A+ implementations
- reference link / Promises/A+ implementations
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- about / Durable subscribers
- QoS0, at most once / Durable subscribers
- QoS1, at least once / Durable subscribers
- QoS2, exactly once / Durable subscribers
- queue, AMQP
- about / Introducing AMQP
- durable / Introducing AMQP
- exclusive / Introducing AMQP
- auto-delete / Introducing AMQP
- queues
- about / Queues to the rescue, Asynchronous messaging and queues
- RabbitMQ
- URL / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging, Designing a history service for the chat application
- using / Durable subscribers with AMQP and RabbitMQ
- URL, for installation / Designing a history service for the chat application
- React
- URL / Running the application
- reactor pattern
- core / Small core
- modules / Small modules
- surface area / Small surface area
- about / The reactor pattern, The reactor pattern
- I/O / I/O is slow
- blocking I/O / Blocking I/O
- non-blocking I/O / Non-blocking I/O
- event demultiplexing / Event demultiplexing
- structure / The reactor pattern
- Event Demultiplexer / The reactor pattern
- Event Queue / The reactor pattern
- libuv / The non-blocking I/O engine of Node.js – libuv
- components / The recipe for Node.js
- recipe, for Node.js / The recipe for Node.js
- read() method / The non-flowing mode
- readable-stream package
- about / readable-stream
- URL / readable-stream
- Readable stream
- implementing / Implementing Readable streams
- readable streams
- about / Readable streams
- non-flowing mode / The non-flowing mode
- flowing mode / The flowing mode
- real-time chat application
- building / Building a minimalist real-time chat application
- server side, implementing / Implementing the server side
- client side, implementing / Implementing the client side
- scaling / Running and scaling the chat application
- executing / Running and scaling the chat application
- history service, designing / Designing a history service for the chat application
- history service, implementing with AMQP / Implementing a reliable history service using AMQP
- integrating, with AMQP / Integrating the chat application with AMQP
- real singleton
- about / Service locator
- Redis
- URL / Notes about implementing caching mechanisms, Sharing the state across multiple instances, Using Redis as a message broker
- about / Using Redis as a message broker
- using, as message broker / Using Redis as a message broker
- URL, for installation / Using Redis as a message broker
- redis package
- URL / Using Redis as a message broker
- about / Using Redis as a message broker
- remote logger
- building / Building a remote logger
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- about / Message types
- Rendr
- URL / Running the application
- request/reply abstraction
- implementing, correlation identifier used / Implementing a request/reply abstraction using correlation identifiers
- request, abstracting / Abstracting the request
- reply, abstracting / Abstracting the reply
- replier, creating / Trying the full request/reply cycle
- request/reply pattern
- about / One-way and request/reply patterns, Request/reply patterns
- correlation identifier / Correlation identifier
- return address / Return address
- reference link / Implementing the requestor and the replier
- request dependency
- about / Creating a simple web spider
- require() function
- about / A homemade module loader
- RequireJS
- URL / Universal Module Definition
- resiliency, cluster module / Resiliency and availability with the cluster module
- resolving algorithm
- about / The resolving algorithm
- file modules / The resolving algorithm
- core modules / The resolving algorithm
- package modules / The resolving algorithm
- reference link / The resolving algorithm
- Restify
- URL / In the wild
- return address
- about / Return address
- implementing, in AMQP / Implementing the return address pattern in AMQP
- request abstraction, implementing / Implementing the request abstraction
- reply abstraction, implementing / Implementing the reply abstraction
- requestor, implementing / Implementing the requestor and the replier
- replier, implementing / Implementing the requestor and the replier
- revealing module pattern
- about / The revealing module pattern
- Revealing Module pattern / Creating an UMD module
- reverse proxy
- scaling / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- about / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- URL / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- load balancing, with Nginx / Load balancing with Nginx
- round robin / Notes on the behavior of the cluster module
- URL / Promises/A+ implementations
- scalability
- about / An introduction to application scaling
- dimensions / The three dimensions of scalability
- scale cube / The three dimensions of scalability
- seaport
- URL / Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- semi-coroutines
- about / Generators
- Seneca
- URL / The challenges of microservices
- sequential execution, asynchronous control flow of streams
- about / Sequential execution
- sequential execution, async library
- about / Sequential execution
- functions / Sequential execution
- known tasks, executing in sequence / Sequential execution of a known set of tasks
- sequential iteration / Sequential iteration
- sequential execution, generators
- about / Sequential execution
- sequential execution, plain JavaScript
- about / Sequential execution
- analyzing / Sequential execution
- variations / Sequential execution
- known tasks, executing in sequence / Executing a known set of tasks in sequence
- sequential iteration / Sequential iteration
- web spider version 2, sequential iteration / Web spider version 2
- sequential crawling of links, sequential iteration / Sequential crawling of links
- pattern, sequential iteration / The pattern
- sequential execution, promise
- about / Sequential execution
- sequential iteration / Sequential iteration
- pattern, sequential iteration / Sequential iteration – the pattern
- server
- implementing, without caching / Implementing a server with no caching or batching
- implementing, without batching / Implementing a server with no caching or batching
- service locator
- about / Service locator
- pros / Pros and cons of a service locator
- cons / Pros and cons of a service locator
- reusability approach / Pros and cons of a service locator
- readability approach / Pros and cons of a service locator
- used, for exposing services / Exposing services using a service locator
- serviceLocator module
- factory() method / Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator
- register() method / Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator
- get() method / Refactoring the authentication server to use a service locator
- Service Registry
- using / Using a Service Registry
- dynamic load balancer, implementing with http-proxy / Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- dynamic load balancer, implementing with seaport / Implementing a dynamic load balancer with http-proxy and seaport
- services
- exposing, service locator used / Exposing services using a service locator
- exposing, dependency injection used / Exposing services using dependency injection
- exposing, dependency injection container used / Exposing services using a dependency injection container
- set and forget paradigm
- about / Durable subscribers
- sharding / The three dimensions of scalability
- shared rendering
- about / Running the application
- siege
- URL / Building a simple HTTP server
- Simple/Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (STOMP)
- about / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- URL / Peer-to-peer or broker-based messaging
- Single Page Applications / Building an authentication server using hardcoded dependencies
- Singleton / Exporting an instance
- Singleton pattern
- about / Stateful modules, The Singleton pattern in Node.js
- sink
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- SLA (Service Level Agreement) / Zero-downtime restart
- URL / Sticky load balancing
- software development philosophies
- reference link / The Node.js philosophy
- spatial efficiency approach, streams
- about / Spatial efficiency
- gzipping, with buffered API / Gzipping using a buffered API
- gzipping, with streams / Gzipping using streams
- split package
- URL / Implementing a URL status monitoring application
- SSL termination point / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- standalone instances / Scaling with a reverse proxy
- stateful communications
- dealing with / Dealing with stateful communications
- state, sharing across multiple instances / Sharing the state across multiple instances
- sticky load balancing / Sticky load balancing
- stateful modules
- about / Stateful modules
- Singleton pattern / The Singleton pattern in Node.js
- State pattern
- about / State
- fail-safe socket, implementing / Implementing a basic fail-safe socket
- static methods, Promise object
- Promise.resolve(obj) / Promises/A+ implementations
- Promise.reject(err) / Promises/A+ implementations
- Promise.all(array) / Promises/A+ implementations
- sticky-session
- URL / Sticky load balancing
- sticky load balancing / Sticky load balancing
- Store front-end / API orchestration
- Strategy pattern
- about / Strategy
- multi format configuration object / Multi-format configuration objects
- Passport.js / In the wild
- Stream class
- URL, for APIs / Writing to a stream
- streaming
- versus buffering / Buffering vs Streaming
- Streamline
- reference link / Comparison
- streams
- need for / Discovering the importance of streams
- spatial efficiency approach / Spatial efficiency
- time efficiency approach / Time efficiency
- composability approach / Composability
- about / Getting started with streams
- anatomy / Anatomy of streams
- reading from / Reading from a stream
- writing to / Writing to a stream
- connecting, pipes used / Connecting streams using pipes
- packages / Useful packages for working with streams
- asynchronous control flow / Asynchronous control flow with streams
- combining / Combining streams
- merging / Merging streams
- streams, forking
- about / Forking streams
- multiple checksum generator, implementing / Implementing a multiple checksum generator
- Streams1 / readable-stream
- Streams2 / readable-stream
- Streams3 / readable-stream
- subject / Proxy
- sublevel plugin
- URL / The db module
- subscribers
- about / Publish/subscribe pattern
- subset sum algorithm
- steps, interleaving of / Interleaving the steps of the subset sum algorithm
- subset sum problem
- solving / Solving the subset sum problem
- subset sum task, delegating
- about / Delegating the subset sum task to other processes
- process pool, implementing / Implementing a process pool
- child process communication / Communicating with a child process
- parent process communication / Communicating with the parent process
- supervisor / Load balancing with Nginx
- suspend
- reference link / Generator-based control flow using co
- synchronous event demultiplexer
- about / Event demultiplexing
- synchronous function
- about / Asynchronous continuation-passing style
- Systemd / Load balancing with Nginx
- tarball
- creating, from multiple directories / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- tar package
- URL / Creating a tarball from multiple directories
- task distribution pattern
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- task pattern
- about / The task pattern
- TaskQueue class / Queues to the rescue
- technical debt
- about / Modules and dependencies
- template methods / Template
- Template pattern
- about / Template
- configuration manager template / A configuration manager template
- ternary-stream package
- URL / Multiplexing and demultiplexing object streams
- thenable
- about / What is a promise?
- threads
- about / Considerations on the multiprocess pattern
- through2 package
- URL / through and from
- through2-parallel package
- URL / Ordered parallel execution
- through package / through and from
- URL / through and from
- thunk
- about / Asynchronous control flow with generators
- thunkify
- reference link / Generator-based control flow using co
- time efficiency approach, streams
- about / Time efficiency
- tolerance to failures / Scaling Node.js applications
- transforms, on project's wiki page
- URL / The advantages of using Browserify
- Transform streams
- about / Transform streams
- implementing / Implementing Transform streams
- UMD module
- creating / Creating an UMD module
- UMD pattern
- considerations / Considerations on the UMD pattern
- URL / Considerations on the UMD pattern
- unordered limited parallel execution, asynchronous control flow of streams
- about / Unordered limited parallel execution
- unordered parallel execution, asynchronous control flow of streams
- about / Unordered parallel execution
- unordered parallel stream, implementing / Implementing an unordered parallel stream
- URL status monitoring, implementing / Implementing a URL status monitoring application
- Upstart
- URL / Load balancing with Nginx
- use multiple processors
- about / Using multiple processes
- userland
- about / Small core
- userspace
- about / Small core
- uses, Proxy pattern
- data validation / Proxy
- security / Proxy
- caching / Proxy
- lazy initialization / Proxy
- logging / Proxy
- remote objects / Proxy
- V8
- reference link / The callback hell
- variations-stream library
- using / Implementing the ventilator
- URL / Implementing the ventilator
- ventilator
- about / Pipelines and task distribution patterns
- vertical scaling / Cloning and load balancing
- vm module
- reference link / A homemade module loader
- Vow
- URL / Promises/A+ implementations
- watchify
- URL / Exploring the magic of Browserify
- WebSockets
- about / Running and scaling the chat application
- URL / Running and scaling the chat application
- web spider / Creating a simple web spider
- webworker-threads
- URL / Considerations on the multiprocess pattern
- When.js
- URL / Promises/A+ implementations
- wiring plugins
- about / Wiring plugins
- worker
- about / Delegating the subset sum task to other processes
- Writable stream
- implementing / Implementing Writable streams
- writable streams
- about / Writable streams
- back-pressure / Back-pressure
- ws package
- URL / Implementing the server side
- yield statement
- about / Generators
- zero-downtime restart / Zero-downtime restart
- zmq package
- URL / Using the ØMQ PUB/SUB sockets