JSON-RPC is a lightweight protocol you can use to exchange structured data between a client and a server. It can work over different transport protocols, but we’ll focus only on HTTP. Although JSON-RPC is a standard, it only defines the top-level RPC layer, while payloads and operations remain specific to each implementation.
In this section, we’ll show how to use Nokia-specific YANG models to configure the srl device from our lab topology, as SR Linux supports sending and receiving YANG payloads over JSON-RPC (refer to the Further reading section).
We’ll try to avoid building YANG data payloads manually or relying on traditional text templating methods. The sheer size of some YANG models, as well as model deviations and augmentations, make it impossible to build the payloads manually. To do this at scale, we need to rely on a programmatic approach to build configuration instances and retrieve state data. This is where we use openconfig/ygot (YANG...