Online chat rooms
If you need to support learners who aren't in the classroom then chat rooms are the ideal way of doing so:
Create an exam revision chat room and spend an hour with your students the night or morning before an exam.
Support learners who are away ill. If they have access to a computer they can still join in with class discussions.
Support project work over the weekend or holiday period with chat sessions. They will cut down on the amount of catch-up work you have to do when you return to work on Monday morning.
Hold online tutorial sessions if you and your students are finding it difficult to arrange a time and a place when you can all be together in person.
Invite a guest speaker into your chat room. By inviting them to join your class online you can dramatically cut your expenses bill!
Moodle chat rooms are safe and only open to those enrolled in your course.
And using a chat room within Moodle means that users don't have to learn how to use yet another "chat client", as they...