Changing default paste options
If you collaborate with others and have strict formatting guidelines you must follow, then the chances are you won't want to keep destination formatting too often. In fact, it will probably be very rare. Most of the time, you will more than likely want to merge formatting or use destination styles. For that, you will want to change what Word uses as its default paste options.
To change the default paste options, follow these steps:
- Go up to your File menu, click on Options, and click on the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to the Cut, copy, and paste section:
Figure 15.20 – Cut, Copy, and Paste section
- Update your paste options and click OK.
Figure 15.21 – Updated options
Not all paste options will be available. In the preceding screenshot, you will notice that I've changed my options to Merge Formatting for the Pasting within the same document, Pasting between documents, and Pasting from...