There is a bit of a limitation to what you can do with UI Text. If you find yourself wanting to accomplish some formatting with your text that you are unable to do with UI Text, you may be able to accomplish it with a TextMeshPro GameObject. For example, if you want to use underlined text, I recommend using a TextMeshPro GameObject. TextMeshPro assets allow for significantly more text control. Additionally, its rendering allows text to appear crisp at more resolutions and point sizes than what’s possible with the standard UI Text.
TextMeshPro used to be a paid asset in the Unity Asset Store, but it was adopted by Unity around March 2017 and is now available for free. However, to use TextMeshPro assets, you have to download the necessary resources. To download the TextMeshPro resources, attempt to add a TextMeshPro - Text to your scene by going to + | UI | Text - TextMeshPro; you will see the following popup:

Figure 10.7: The TMP...