Using Edge Flanges
One of the most basic and common features in SolidWorks Sheet Metal is the Edge Flange. At its simplest, an Edge Flange is just a bent section of a metal sheet on an edge. A very simple sheet metal box consists of one single Base Flange with four Edge Flanges attached to it (one on each side as shown in Figure 2.1).
Figure 2.1: A simple box made from one Base Flange and four Edge Flanges
Individual Edge Flanges are extremely simple features but when combined, they can be used to create parts that are much more complex.
Creating your first Edge Flange
Edge Flanges are relatively simple to make:
- Open your Base Flange part from Chapter 1, Sheet Metal Basics – Exploring Sheet Metal Properties and Material Selection, or create a new SolidWorks part and make a Base Flange that is 200 x 300 mm in size (as shown in Chapter 1, Sheet Metal Basics – Exploring Sheet Metal Properties and Material Selection).
- The material...