Time for action — adding a discussion topic
Time to create your first forum discussion topic:
1. Start by reopening the forum that you created earlier. To do this, click on the Forum tab of the Clinical Trials group. You will see all the forums that exist in this group. Click on the name of the forum to which you would like to add a topic.
2. Then, you will see a screen listing all the options for managing your forum that we discussed earlier. Click on New topic to start creating the topic.
3. Use the following screen to add a subject and a body. The subject should be descriptive of exactly what you will be talking about in this topic. The body information should give some more information about what it is that you want to discuss, perhaps giving examples or posing questions to other users. You may want to set up an outcomes-oriented discussion framework in your description to stimulate conversation. The screen will look as shown in the following screenshot:
4. There are two other options on...