The form is a basic component responsible for performing CRUD operations on an entity. The listingElements group referenced under vendor/magento/module-ui/etc/ui_configuration.xsd file provides a nice list of both primary and secondary form components:
bookmark | dataProvider | fileUploader | massaction | range |
boolean | date | form | modal | radioset |
button | dynamicRows | hidden | multiline | select |
checkbox | htmlContent | multiselect | tab | |
checkboxset | exportButton | input | nav | text |
component | field | insertForm | number | textarea |
container | fieldset | insertListing | paging | wysiwyg |
dataSource | file | listing | price |
Moving forward, we will use the form component, and a few of its secondary components to create the Stock Resupply screen as shown:
The form itself is to consist of Stock and +Qty fields. The Stock field will be a read-only field consisting of an SKU + current...