Knowing your mood using the Face API
The Face API allows you to recognize emotions from faces.
Research has shown that there are some key emotions that can be classified as cross-cultural. These are happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, contempt, disgust, and neutral. All of these are detected by the API, which allows your applications to respond in a more personalized way by knowing the user's mood.
We will learn how to recognize emotions from images so that our smart-house application can know our mood.
Getting images from a web camera
Imagine that there are several cameras around your house. The smart-house application can see what your mood is at any time. By knowing this, it can utilize the mood to better predict your needs.
We are going to add web-camera capabilities to our application. If you do not have a web camera, you can follow along, but load images using the techniques we have already seen.
First we need to add a NuGet package to our smart-house application. Search for...