Chapter 6. Building a Bookstore App
So far, we have looked at all the key elements of Ionic. In this chapter, we will build a Bookstore application using that knowledge. The main purpose of this chapter is to consolidate your understanding of Ionic and, at the same time, get a sense of integrating an Ionic app with an existing RESTful service.
Do note that we will not be working with any server-side related code.
The Bookstore app we are going to build is a simple multi-page Ionic client that lets a user browse through the books without any authentication. Only when the user wants to add a book to his cart or view his purchase history do we ask the user to login. This approach provides a better user experience by not forcing the user to login to see content, but rather allowing him to login only when needed.
Once the user is logged in, he/she can add books to the cart, view the cart, checkout the cart, and view purchases. A secure REST server will manage all the data for this...