Adding an endless scrolling background
Now, it's time to add the cityscape background, which will scroll endlessly and seamlessly. Finally, you can start editing gamescript.js
var background; var gameLayer; var scrollSpeed = 1; var gameScene = cc.Scene.extend({ onEnter:function () { this._super(); gameLayer = new game(); gameLayer.init(); this.addChild(gameLayer); } }); var game = cc.Layer.extend({ init:function () { this._super(); background = new ScrollingBG(); this.addChild(background); this.scheduleUpdate(); }, update:function(dt){ background.scroll(); } }); var ScrollingBG = cc.Sprite.extend({ ctor:function() { this._super(); this.initWithFile("assets/background.png"); }, onEnter:function() { this.setPosition(480,160); }, scroll:function(){ this.setPosition(this.getPosition().x-scrollSpeed,this.getPosition().y); if(this.getPosition().x<0){ this.setPosition(this.getPosition().x+480...