Where do we go from here?
Hopefully, by now, you should have wrapped your head around API design. Of course, you will have to check out the source code and spend some time on it, in order to deepen your understanding of this topic. Make sure you experiment, change things, break them, and see what happens. Here are some suggestions for you if you want to learn more on the subject:
- Learn FastAPI. The website offers a great tutorial for beginners and one for advanced programmers, which we recommend. It will cover all the details and the reasons why things have to be done in a certain way, which we couldn't cover in this chapter.
- Experiment with the source code for this chapter. We have written it as simply as we could, so there is lots of room for optimization.
- Learn about WSGI—Web Server Gateway Interface—(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface) and, if you are familiar with asynchronous programming, aWSGI, its asynchronous...