Creating a persistent backdoor
In this recipe, we will create a persistent backdoor using the Metasploit persistence. Once you have succeeded in gaining access to a compromised machine, you will want to explore ways to regain access to the machine without having to break into it again. If the user of the compromised machine does something to disrupt the connection, such as reboot the machine, the use of a backdoor will allow a connection to re-establish to your machine. This is where creating a backdoor comes in handy because it allows you to maintain access to a previously compromised machine.
Getting ready
To execute this recipe we will need the following:
A connection to the Internet or intranet
A compromised machine using the Metasploit framework is also required
How to do it...
Let's begin the process of installing our persistent backdoor. You will have to use Metasploit to attack a host in order to gain a Meterpreter shell. You can use one of the recipes in Chapter 6, Exploiting Vulnerabilities...