Chapter 14. ECMAScript-2015/2016 Solutions Today
I cannot count the number of times I have mentioned upcoming versions of JavaScript in this book, rest assured that it's a large number. It is somewhat frustrating that the language is not keeping pace with the requirements of application developers. Many of the approaches we've discussed become unnecessary with a newer version of JavaScript. There are, however, some ways to get the next version of JavaScript working today.
In this chapter we'll look at a couple of these, specifically:
- Typescript
- BabelJS
There is no shortage of languages that compile to JavaScript. CoffeeScript is perhaps the best known example of one of these languages, although the Google web toolkit that compiles Java to JavaScript was also once very popular. Never ones to be left behind or use somebody else's solution, Microsoft released a language called TypeScript in 2012. It is designed to be a superset of JavaScript in the same...