Continuous integration – Travis-CI
We have created a great deal of automation around the project, which is great for onboarding a new developer on the team; running the test is just two commands away:
npm install npm test
However, that is not the only advantage; we can have the tests running via these same two commands while on a continuous integration environment.
To demonstrate a possible setup, we are going to use Travis-CI (, a free solution for open source projects.
Before we can start, it is required that you have a GitHub ( account and that the project is already hosted there. I expect that you are already familiar with git ( and GitHub.
Once you are ready, we can start the Travis-CI setup.
Adding a project to Travis-CI
Before we can add Travis-CI support to the project, first we need to add the project to Travis-CI.
Go to the Travis-CI website at and click on Sign in with GitHub in the top-right corner...