Time for action — making an arc
Now, we will take our circle and convert it into an arc.
- Make sure that the Circle/Ellipse tool is still selected and you can see the handles on the shape on the canvas.
Notice, there are three handles which are top (square), left (square), and right (circle). To control the horizontal and vertical dimensions, you use the top (horizontal) and left (vertical) handles.
Dragging the right circle handle of a whole ellipse creates an arc or segment.
To switch between an arc or pie segment, drag the handle inside or outside of the ellipse. Let's give it a try.
- Drag an arc handle (the circle one) to set one end of the arc. Once you pull or drag one of the arc handles, you will see that there are actually two overlapping arc handles for you to manipulate. (as shown in the following screenshot, this is now a closed path).
Drag the second arc handle (in the original position) to the other end of the arc, The arc will be closed and a pie shape will be created...