The test system
In order to articulate a continuous delivery pipeline, we need a system to play with, and after some talks and demos, I have developed one that I tend to use, as it has pretty much no business logic and leaves a lot of space to think about the underlying infrastructure.
I call the system Chronos, and as you can guess, its purpose is related to the management of time zones and formats of dates. The system is very simple:
We have three services:
An API aggregator
A service that translates a timestamp into a date in ISO format
A service that translates a timestamp into a date in UTC format
These services work in coordination to translate a timestamp into a date in different formats, but it is also open to extensions as we can aggregate more services to add more capabilities and expose them through the API Aggregator.
Every service will be packed into a different Docker image, deployed as a Deployment in Kubernetes and exposed via Services (externals and internals) to the cluster and...