Familiarizing ourselves with UML notation
There are things in this book that we need to treat with reverential respect; UML is one of them. This modeling language is simply a piece of IT history. You should take into account that UML is a very comprehensive and articulate standard, aimed at modeling and representing a wide number of concepts. For this reason, going through the whole specification is out of the scope of this book.
But by the end of this section, you will have a grasp of the UML philosophy, and we will have covered practical examples of the most widespread UML diagrams.
Important Note
It's worthwhile deepening your knowledge of the UML language. To do this, you will find plenty of resources on the web. I would also suggest you have a look at the official UML website, and at The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson (more information is available in the Further reading section of this chapter), which is probably the most important...