Generating a Google document from spreadsheet data using a script
I mentioned earlier that we could have used a spreadsheet in the previous Gmail example to log the data we retrieved from the e-mail messages, but that the document approach was more pleasant in terms of "look". So I suggest that we try to build a Google document from data stored in a spreadsheet.
The data can be a list of addresses or recipes. It doesn't really matter what data we use as the methods we use will be the same, but we'll use the list of recipes because they have pictures in them and had might as well give you some ideas for your next weekend lunch.
The following screenshot shows how our current data sheet looks—it's not very elegant:

We already know how to get data from a spreadsheet (see Chapter 1, Enhancing Spreadsheets) and that using getValues()
will return an array of arrays with all the cells' data in a raw format.
Each row will be an array of values corresponding to each cell; these arrays will in turn be...