Geo-partitioning in CockroachDB
CockroachDB provides two topology patterns, which provide two levels of data resiliency, latency and availability.
Single region
Here, the entire data is in a single region.
CockroachDB defines two variations of single-region topology, development and production, as follows:
- Development: This pattern is very straightforward, where you just have a single node in an availability zone, with multiple clients talking to it. This pattern is useful for testing purposes. This topology can also be used on your laptop or desktop.
As part of your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, you can have a dedicated stage in which you provision a single-node cluster and later can run a bunch of system tests that interact with a real database. Since the clients will be local to the data, reads and writes will be much faster, although there is no resiliency.
The following is an example of a single-region deployment: