Technical requirements
The technical requirements for this chapter are identical to those in Chapter 3, Getting Started with FastAPI – we will create a brand-new Python environment and install all of our dependencies in it. In addition, you should already have a MongoDB (free) account and a cluster – you can refer to Chapter 2, Setting Up the Document Store with MongoDB for the detailed procedure of setting up the account, the credentials needed for connecting to the instance of the database, and the connection of Compass (the MongoDB desktop client). If you prefer, you could also use a local MongoDB instance – just replace the connection string (database URL, database name, and collection name) with the ones on your local MongoDB installation.
You should be able to run all the code from this chapter on a relatively modest machine (with at least 8 GB of RAM, but, hey, the more the merrier!) and you should have a relatively recent Python version (at least 3...