Adding a code component to a canvas app
There are multiple types of components available in canvas apps, and one of the types is code components. In model-driven apps, code components need to be bound to a field or a dataset, which can either be a view or a sub-grid. But in canvas apps, code components do not need any bindings. Hence, they work differently than the code components we configured in our model-driven app. When you're building code components, always keep in mind which app they will support. If you decide that your code component will support both type of apps, then you must make sure that they will work on both apps.
Before you can start adding code components to canvas apps, you need to make sure you enable the feature on an environment that allows you to add code components to canvas apps. This feature can only be enabled by the administrators for a specific environment. The following steps describe how to enable this feature:
- Log into the Power Apps...